Monday, April 20, 2009

What's this blogging all about???

At a speed slightly faster than my mother, I am slowly bringing myself into the 21st century. I have known blogging has existed, but as with MP3 players and iPods, DVR's and TIVOS, I have resisted getting "on board" with the rest of the world. Content with my basic headset and DVD player. But after talking with a few people that blog to keep in touch with relatives and friends, I thought it might be a great idea to give it a shot as we do have a lot of extended family. And what better time to try a new project like this than right after the birth of he twins. Life isn't hectic at all right now.....4 kids under three a dog and a husband with a crazy schedule! Okay, so it might be a short lived undertaking, but I'll try. (In walks Maddox, tears in his eyes and holding his bottom...."Mom, I fell" .... kiss on the noggin' 'Are you okay?' ..."yes" in the most pitiful voice....There are a few more minutes before big boy bedtime and he is now wasting them deciding if he wants to stay in here crying to me or finish watching Diego on the couch....crying to mom wins. I finally got Jax to sleep after a day of throwing up. Poor little guy just couldn't keep anything down. And the twins? Well Ty is fast asleep in his sister's pretty pink vibrating chair and little "Livi bean" is all bundled up in the swing. The countdown begins till my 15 minutes of quiet time "Maddox, quit banging on the canister, go finish watching Diego or you are going to bed now.....Now if I could just track down that husband of mine!) So we'll see where this goes. I'll try to post as many pics as possible and give little daily updates as I can. In the meantime, I am going to go fix myself some dinner. I get what they say when they tell you you'll be too busy to find time to eat! -NICOLE:)

1 comment:

  1. How is everything going??? The babies are so cute! Keep in touch, I know how crazy those first few weeks are, let me know if you need anything. Sarah
