Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jaxon, Jaxon, Jaxon

So I'm sure he'll love me for this story one day, but it just cracked me up. This morning, I was changing Jaxon's diaper and he kept wiggling and telling me, "pee pee pee!!" "Okay Jax." I replied. "You want to go pee in the potty?" .... "yes." he tells me matter of factly. Now, we are trying a different approach while potty training Jaxon. I wasn't even going to introduce it for a few more months because I didn't think he'd be ready. But he had other plans. He's pretty good about letting me know when he has to go. I don't force it, he is still wearing diapers, but if he wants to I let him and it's usually success....Okay,back to this morning. So I set Jaxon down and say, let's go. He looks up at me and says, "Pricey" I glance at him, my head cocked to the side, confused to this new word. "what buddy??" ..."Pricey, pricey!" He get's louder and more demanding. He continues to yell what I hear as pricey and I continue to try and decipher what he could possibly be saying. I ask him, "potty seat, you want to use your potty seat??" "NO!" with a glare. I reach for his hand and say, "well, just show me." At this point he reaches towards me with both hands and shoves me away. "PRICEY!!!" he yells one final time. " OHHHH " a lightbulb clicked..."you want privacy?? I ask. He smiles and looks up at me, "yes." at which point he clumps off to the bathroom. I actually laughed out loud a little saying, "Oooo-kay" .

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