Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Go Olivia!!!

Big day for Olivia. She rolled from her belly to her back! She did it a couple times without any help. Both of them were trying to go from back to belly. Ty almost made it once, but gave in. However, he was actually giggling when Lara was talking to him today, even letting out a shrill little laugh. I have to admit, these moments are what makes it all worth it. Rocking Ty to sleep tonight I just couldn't stop staring at him. He was smiling in his sleep. The little corners of his mouth were turned up and his eyes were soft and underneath you could tell they were happy eyes. I, in turn couldn't help but smile.

Let's see, Jaxon, Jaxon, Jaxon...that little buddy. He got himself in trouble at Mc Donald's yesterday. We actually had to leave because he couldn't play nice. He was bullying a kid smaller and younger than him...pushing, kicking, yelling. I try to remind him, "gentle hands and gentle words." but it's almost like this fuels him further. He gets this glint in his eye like, " ha, my turn Maddox!" At the mall playing, he leaned his back against the log tunnel and glanced up to see if I was watching. There was a small baby standing in front of him with his back to him. He clearly was just learning to walk. Jaxon "smoothly" stuck his foot between his legs and attempted to lift him off the ground and knock him over. Lucky for the wee walker, I was there to quickly intervene! Oh, and not sure if I mentioned this in my last post, but Jax's new thing he likes to tell me is, " You a bad boy mom!!" wait let me change that, "YOU A BAD BOY MOM!!!" But let me tell you what, for all his smartness and roughness, that little guy has me wrapped around his pinky. You just can't help but love on him. He is at this point the most thoughtful and cuddly boy. He is extremely sensitive and wants to help. And he's inheireted my OCD for cleaning! ( well, atleast I got one!:)

Maddox is just so big. He is definately a whiner....whine-ER. He is growing up so fast though. He is almost completely self-sufficient. He hardly needs me to do anything for him. He is very curious and is at that , "what's a pillow?" ..."it's what you lay your head on." ...."what's your head?" ...."it's what's on top of your body." ..... "what's your body?" phase ( not exactly, but that idea ) It's good though. I usually repeat the question back to him and he perfectly well knows the answer! He's a good boy. Probably a better listener than Jaxon, I'd have to say. Slighlty ...ever so slightly less defiant.

Anyways, everythings good here! I am working tomorrow, so I will try and get more pics up Thursday!

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