Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SO-O-O Tired!

I have been up since 530 am yesterday. We ran our little behinds off at work yesterday and maybe slept a broken 2 1/2 hrs during the night. I tried my best to pawn off kid care on some of my co-workers, but they adamently declined. Arik, however, was kind enough to let me take an 1 1/2 nap today even though he works tonight. I just woke up and actually feel okay ( okay used very screaming...or crying ) These are the days that are hard. Fortunatley they don't happen every shift. It then feels like I am away from the kids for two days instead of one. Oh an I work every day this weekend! Extra money though. You should have seen the look on Arik's face! Poor guy....Mr. Mom when I'm at work!

Anyways, in other news. Miss Olivia had a first today. Twice I took her toy away from her. Once to feed her and once to change her and that little stinker scre-eamed at me! She was not happy. It was in a tone I haven't heard before. It took me a little by surprise. I told her I was going o pop her paadle and send her on timeout if she kept up that behavior:)

My Mom and I were talking about Ty today and we both agree that we rarely if ever hear the little guy cry for no reason. he is just so content. He'll let you know if he is hungry or ired and truely that's about it. He was "talking" to me today while I was changing his diaper. You can hardly touch a square inch of his body without having him crack up. He is just so ticklish. He babbled a few things back and forth with me. I almost feel sorry when I set him down because he's just so darned cute.

In toddler talk...I thought I'd mention Jaxon's cute new phrase. Whenever I hang up the phone he asks, " What who Dat?" He is asking who is that, but I got the point. I love it and never correct him. " Mommy Mommy! What who DAT?"

How about our star entertainment gossip. Mr. Maddox pretends like he has a girlfriend already. He told Arik and me RE- becca is pretty and that's his girlfriend. He snickers as he tells us this. We ask him about the other girls in class, but it always comes back to RE-becca. Oddly enough his teacher told me he does just about everything with a little girl named Marley. She said they share the same temperment, likes and dislikes. Tsk Tsk Tsk, juggling two at three.

Otherwise that's about it for today! Join us tomorrow at noon for the latest breaking headlines. ( Not necessarily:)

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