Monday, July 13, 2009

My Helpers

I may have said it before, but I'll say it again..... I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT THE GIRLS ACROSS THE STREET!! Sam is 15 and Lara is 10 and they honestly have been the biggest blessing to me. They have been coming over pretty much daily to help me out. Both of them play with the boys and the twins the entire time. It is so nice b/c I don't feel like I have to entertain them while they are here. They know where everything is and they don't ever ask for anything. They basically know what the kids need and help them with it. Lara even came out to my car one day to help me unload the groceries. I didn't even ask. The other night my mom was watching the kids and the girls had came and left, but about 5 minutes later Lara came running back over apologizing to my mom and that she had forgot to put the twins in their pajamas! Lara's mom told me she actually puts it on their calendar when she can give the twins a bath. She just loves it. There have been several times where Sam will watch the kids if I run to the store or have to run other quick errands. Granted Arik is here, but I still feel totally at ease with them. It's funny b/c somedays when things start to get crazy here I'll actually catch myself peeking out to see if they might be coming over! Anyways, they are awesome and so genuinely sweet and we are so lucky to have them in our lives. I just thought I'd share them with you all:)

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