Monday, July 20, 2009

Under the Weather

I feel YUCK! I have a massive headcold that is just clinging on....and won't let go. I honestly think I've gone through half a roll of toilet paper blowing my nose today....and that's after finishing off the box of tissues I had laying around. Anyways, my obvious concern is passing it on to the kids. Unfortunately they all seem to have a little something. I washed all the bedding today and I have been generously using my purell hand sanitizer in attempt to kick this bug out for good. So on top of feeling puny, I attempted to "quit" caffeine today...HA HA bad idea. I made it half a day and my head was pounding so HARD that I broke down and made 1/2 and 1/2 coffee. Immediate results thank you. I guess I will have to gradually ween myself. So, I am having a little...erase that....BIG issue with Maddox and his "accidents". I wouldn't push the issue if we were still in potty training mode, but come on, he's been using the potty by himself for months now. All of a sudden I find myself immersed in big boy poop again. I've gotten to the point where I just toss the undies and send him straight to the shower, because when he gets caught his fingers immediately go up his bottom as he cries out, "it was just was an accident." I am truly tired of wiping poop of the floor scowering the toilet seat and watching in horror as I vow never to let Roxy lick me again ( you guess it ). But I calmly reassure Maddox that I am not mad at him, but next time could he please use the potty when he has to go? Well, I figure I'll learn the ropes and tricks with Maddox b/c I'll be "enjoying" this clean-up phase for a few more years!! I found these pics on my phone the other day, just pretty amazed at how small Ty and Olivia actually were. Either that or Jax has a Super huge head!!

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