Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beach Day

Don't get too jealous all you "Northerners", but the boys and I just got back from a beautiful afternoon at the beach. The weather was PERFECT, the water was crystal clear and the boys actually got along! (That in itself can make for a great day! ) I wish I had taken my camera and I could have posted some beach shots, but I didn't think about it. Maddox has gone from being absolutely petrified of the laying on his stomach and letting the waves crash on his back. Now Jax is another story, he is almost fearless...until he gets sand on his hands. We had just got to the beach and he stops a couple walking towards us and with the most pitiful scrunched face, holds his hands up at them crying about the sand. They laughed and the man offered his shorts to clean them, instead Jaxon decided to use the guy's leg. This made them laugh even harder. The woman then offers her shorts, but he chose to use her towel. He's a little ham, he knows how to work people and get a reaction! Ty and Olivia had a busy day too. I loaded all the kids up this morning to take Olivia to get one last set of blood work done at the lab. Oddly enough it turned out my mom had to go to the same place today. Having the extra hand was great! Olivia did good, just one little egh egh and she was done. Poor little guys have been through a lot in their short time with us. They are probably like, "stick us back in the belly!!" Anyways, that was our day for the most part. Bedtime is creepin' up so I better scoot!

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